Offshore support vessel (OSV) owners met with trade associations at a roundtable to discuss how services could be improved for members.
Representatives from the International Support Vessel Owners Association (ISOA), The Nautical Institute, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) met vessel owners from at least four continents in London.
This forum was conducted at the end of Riviera Maritime Media’s Annual Offshore Support Journal Conference. It was an open exchange of associations and owners that operated worldwide. This included OSV owners with headquarters in North America, the Middle East, Europe and Asia.
Owners requested that associations review their communications with members to ensure they are focused and are more receptive to feedback.
Vessel operators asked associations to clarify their services for members. In response, the associations explained the work conducted by working groups and process teams for the offshore vessel sector.
This included the ICS’ work at IMO to promote shipowners’ requirements from regulators, Nautical Institute’s dynamic positioning (DP) operator certification scheme and IMCA’s guidance documents.
One owner thought that trade associations need to remain relevant to an industry that has faced years of tough market conditions and tightening regulations and client expectations. Another thought associations could use analytics to identify trends and new member requirements.
A common thought stream was that the OSV industry should work closer together to tackle market, regulation and technology challenges. One owner requested that associations hold regional meetings to listen to owners’ regional concerns.
There was a request from owners that associations could set up benchmarking of key performance indicators to serve offshore vessel operators.
During the forum, there was general consensus that the OSV industry should work closer together on initiatives and in promoting their benefits to the overall offshore energy industry and global society.