Please, make Your payment for the reservation of the course not later than 2 banking days before the start of the course.
Date |
Time |
Cost |
On request |
09:00 to 17:00 |
USD 1 000.00 |
Book online |
* Payment in UAH equivalent, according to the commercial exchange rate on the payment date
This course is directed at personnel associated within the offshore oil and gas industry. The main purpose of the course is to familiarise the participants with offshore drilling, which plays a critical role in this expanding industry. The course provides a general overview of the offshore petroleum industry, with emphasis on drilling technology, completion technology, petroleum geology and well site safety. It is the first step in understanding the processes and requirements for the offshore oil and gas industry
Target Audience
People who are already employed or want to start a career in the offshore oil and gas industry. Technical knowledge is desirable.
This course "Drilling familiarization course" is certified by the Bureau Veritas certification company. |
Course Prerequisites
- Background & History of Offshore Drilling
- Basic concepts (Drilling, Well and its elements. Well types)
- Role of Drilling in Oil&Gas Production. Drilling Economy
- Safety Basics in Offshore Oil and Gas Sector
- Accidents Overview & Anlysys
- QHSE Overview
- Fire Safety, PPE. H2S, Hydrocarbons Safety Basics
- Petroleum Geology & Oil Field Fluids
- Geology Basics
- Rocks Types. Traps. Shale & Tight Oil & Gas
- Hydrogens Accumulations Classification
- Oilfield Exploration (Magnetometry, Gravimetry, Seismic, Exploratory & Apprisal Drilling)
- Offshore Drilling Units and Associated Eqipment.
- Fixed, Floating Platforms and Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, FPSO, SS, ROV,AUV
- Drilling Rig Types & Their Components.
- Hoist, Circulating, Rotating systems
- Blowout Prevention (BOP) & Motion Compensation Systems.
- Drilling & Completing offshore Wells
- Drilling Fluids Engineering
- Casing & Cementing
- Vertical, Directional & Horizontal Drilling. Deflection Tools and Methods.
- Fishing
- Formation Evaluation Techniques
- Surface Logging Systems (SLS), Coring, Wireline Logging
- Measurement While Drilling (MWD)
- Formation Tests
- Well Completions
- Formation Damage
- Completion Practices (Types of Completions, Perforating, Sand Control)
- Well Stimulation (Acidization, Hydraulic Fractruring, Nitro Shooting, Bacterial treatment)
- Completion Efficiency
- Oil and Gas Production Methods
- Oil and Gas Process. Technological Equipment
- Well fluid Separation,
- Oil Stabilization, Dehydration, Desaltion
- Gas Treatment & Compression
- Water Treatment
To give the participants a systematized knowledge of the offshore petroleum industry with an emphasis on offshore drilling.
Assessment is by multiple choice tests. The pass mark is 80%.
Admission Requirements
Participants should provide valid ID with photo
The course will be conducted in Russian (Main Terms in Russian / English).