Please, make Your payment for the reservation of the course not later than 2 banking days before the start of the course
Date |
Time |
Cost |
On request |
09:00 to 17:00 |
USD * |
Book online |
* Payment in UAH equivalent, according to the commercial exchange rate on the payment date
Mobile Offshore Unit (MOU) Stability Course meets all requirements listed under the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Resolution A.1079(28), and STCW Convention Regulations I/10 & I/02.
Mobile Offshore Unit (MOU) Stability Course designated to for the training of OIM, Barge Supervisor, Ballast Control Operator (OIM / BS / BCO).
Course provides comprehensive training for personnel who will be involved in Ballast Control operations and going to obtain license of OIM or Barge Supervisor. Course will provide an understanding of the response of drill ships, column stabilized floating units as well as jack up rigs while afloat, to loading and environmental forces and damage control. After successful completion of the course the trainees should have a better understanding in the theory and practical application of ship stability, particularly the stability of a mobile offshore unit (MOU) and ballast control procedures for trim and list, use of information provided in the rigs operational manual for safe operations of the MOU.
Reference material:
Mobile Offshore Unit (MOU) Stability Course book provided during training.
Video presentation – related to each chapter
- Knowledge, understanding and proficiency as Required by A.1079(28)
- Use of loading stability information which may be contained in or derived from stability and trim diagrams and Marine Operations Manual
- Understanding of fundamental principles and the theories and factors affecting trim and stability and measures necessary to preserve trim and stability
- Stability criteria for MOUs (static and dynamic), criteria for MOUs, environmental limits and criteria for survival conditions
- Use of daily loading calculations
- Knowledge of the effect of mooring system and mooring line failures
- Knowledge of emergency procedures and the effect of trim and stability of flooding due to damage, firefighting, loss of buoyancy or other reasons and countermeasures to be taken
- Effectively communicate stability related information
- Understanding the inclining experiment report and its use
- Understanding the inclining experiments, deadweight survey, and their use
- Knowledge of the effect on trim and stability of cargos and cargo operations
- Knowledge of the effect of trim and stability of MOUs in event of damage to and consequent flooding of a compartment, and countermeasures to be taken
- Knowledge of the effect of loading supplies and ballasting in order to keep the unit’s stress within acceptable limits
- Knowledge of the effect of pre-loading and leg stresses on self-elevating units
- Knowledge of the effect of loss of buoyancy
5 days course – 37.5 hours – One instructor
The course will be conducted in English.